Read Katie's Story
Katie is 47 years old, lives in Sydney with her husband and 3 children and manages her own business from home.
Life overall for Katie is good. She lives in a secure home, has a supportive husband, great kids (most of the time), a successful business, and a keen interest in her family’s wellbeing. She juggled the daily routine of commitments across family and work extremely well. Katie appeared to have a pretty good handle on things. On the surface everything looked great, however underneath it was a different story.

Over the years of supporting others in her role as mum, wife, daughter and business owner, her true self slowly got buried under these responsibilities. She felt stuck and sometimes lonely even though she had a loving family. As a result, she lost connection with who she was and what brought her joy. She was yearning for someone to listen to her and feel understood.
Katie’s life on the surface appeared like the perfect swan gliding over the water, when in fact what people couldn’t see was that she was paddling like crazy underneath. As a result of the constant ‘busyness’, Katie was saving the worst part of herself for the people that loved her the most. Katie had a realisation that this wasn’t working for her and wanted to slow down. She needed support to make positive changes.
Letting Katie know that she was not alone was a huge weight off her shoulders. The support Katie needed was beyond the helpful advice of family and friends and counselling services weren’t a good fit either.
What Katie needed was an experienced life coach who supports women along the path to being happier and more fulfilled in their day-to-day life.
Katie was more than capable of flourishing in her life, she just needed the right inspiration, positive tools and techniques to get her back on track with clarity and ultimately reignite her spark.
Together, we found Katie’s centre once again as we took a fresh look at her core values, strengths, daily habits, mindset, her life purpose and reconnected her with what really mattered in her day-to-day life.