Game Changer Mindsets

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

My name is Mel and I have a wonderful partner and two daughters plus a very cute dog called Benji. My daughters and I are musical theatre tragics but I’m also a voracious reader and I enjoy jigsaw puzzles in my downtime. I work predominantly in the kitchen/bathroom/interior design industry – my specialty is marketing & communications (I have a journalism/marketing background). I run a daily blog (The Kitchen & Bathroom Blog) which is a resource for the industry and with my partner, we run tours to significant international trade shows.

What’s important to you in life?

To make a contribution to something that’s bigger than just my little corner of the world. In terms of work, I see my role as supporting the industry and ensuring the industry stays as informed as possible. In terms of home/leisure, to make sure I’m volunteering or contributing to a charity or worthy cause.

What are some achievements you’re proud of?

The blog celebrated 10 years in 2023 – something that started as a side project has grown and we now have a core group of sponsors plus great plans for expansion next year. I help co-ordinate a weekly food service for the homeless and vulnerable communities in Woolloomooloo with a close friend.

How has working with a coach helped you face challenges?

Having feedback from a third-party has been invaluable – sometimes you’re just too close to see clearly. Being pushed to really think about what I want to achieve and being helped to have a deep think about some of my preconceived ideas. Also, the accountability that comes with the process is good to ensure you keep moving along the path.

How has coaching expanded your mindset?

You can lie to yourself but it’s much harder to lie to a coach as they will call you on it – so you are forced (in a good way) to face your fears and really challenge some of those long-held beliefs about what you can and can’t achieve. Hearing a different perspective from a coach can help you open up to new ideas and reframe your thinking.

What qualities has coaching helped you discover (or rediscover) about yourself?

Still a work in progress, but definitely has helped with challenging limiting beliefs and also helped focus in on what’s important to me. Has helped with clarity of purpose and with being a bit more true to what’s really meaningful to me.

What do you do more of and less of now?

This one is hard as old habits are hard to break. I’d like to think I get less distracted by the ‘noise’ in my life and I spend more time on things that are meaningful to me but that’s not always realistic. I try to set more boundaries around work – although this is definitely a work in progress.

What self-care practices do you engage in to support your best self?

I pre-schedule gym sessions in my calendar and/or block out time in my calendar when I need to focus and I’ve been trying to set boundaries around unnecessary meetings (not always possible). I take the dog for a walk in the mornings to clear my head and get a good start to the work day.

How has your life improved as a result of the coaching journey?

I have clearer goals that I’m working towards and my vision for my personal future is more in focus. I have a keener understanding of my limiting beliefs which doesn’t always mean they don’t affect me but I’m able to see better when they do and try to take steps to mitigate the effects.

What would you say to someone wanting to get the most out of the coaching experience?

Be really honest, as hard as that might be. It’s challenging to be so vulnerable but it’s only by being honest with yourself as well as with your coach – that you can be open to understanding and making the changes necessary.

What quote inspires you to be your best self?

‘If you can be anything in this world, be kind’ – I don’t know who said this but it’s the first thing I thought of when I saw this question.

What coaching tool has made the biggest difference to your life?

Doing the Core Values Discovery was a big eye-opener for me. I don’t think I’d ever really taken the time to work out what my core values were and that really helped me to then work out how I could be true to them in all aspects of my life – both work and personal.