
I reached out for coaching with Julie when my writing career and personal life reached a pivotal point. As a bestselling children’s author, managing my creative and personal life often led to burnout. I needed support to transition, plan, and build the confidence to make significant changes. Julie’s coaching helped me clear the decks and focus on what truly mattered. Her strategies clarified my goals and made them achievable, transforming my mindset for the better. Now, six months into coaching, my writing career is flourishing, and I’ve learned to prioritize myself, streamline commitments, and embrace new opportunities. Life in two cities and juggling multiple workloads has become more manageable. Coaching has empowered me to take charge of what’s important, and I’ve rediscovered balance, creativity, and the joy of spending time with family and friends. I wholeheartedly recommend coaching with Julie to anyone ready to make meaningful changes.


Children's Author / Education, Sydney /Tasmania

I sought coaching with Julie when I needed clarity and focus in both my personal and professional life. As someone deeply involved in the kitchen and bathroom design industry and running a daily blog, it was easy to get lost in the noise. Julie’s coaching provided invaluable third-party feedback, pushing me to rethink my preconceived ideas and challenging my limiting beliefs. Her guidance helped me set clearer goals and focus on what truly matters to me. The Core Values Discovery exercise was particularly eye-opening, aligning my actions with my values. Now, I have a sharper vision for my future and better understand how to mitigate the effects of my limiting beliefs. I’m more aware of setting boundaries and prioritizing meaningful activities, although it’s a work in progress. Coaching with Julie has been a transformative journey, helping me face my fears and embrace new perspectives for sustainable change.


Business Owner and Mum to 2 girls, Sydney

The coaching sessions made me feel really supported over our time together. You have such a warm, nurturing, and empathetic nature which immediately put me at ease and made me feel comfortable and understood. I also never felt judged, and this encouraged me to be honest about anything that was happening for me at the time. You gave me some great strategies and visual metaphors that have stayed with me in difficult times. I think my time with you was essential to strengthen me and provide me with some valuable insights and strategies to manage when life throws us curveballs. Thank you once again for all your valuable help and support Julie.

Jane (*name changed due to privacy reasons)

Business Owner and Mum to 2 kids, Sydney

Working with Julie was a very calming and supportive experience. I came to coaching after selling my real estate business, a decision that left me unsure of my next steps. The business had been a huge part of my identity. Julie’s coaching helped me navigate this transition by identifying my priorities and goals, which kept me focused when I doubted my worth. She reminded me of my strengths and openness to reflection, which reignited my drive for personal development. One of the most impactful tools was the Vision Board, a visual reminder of my aspirations that kept me aligned and motivated. Through coaching, I shifted from uncertainty to acceptance and excitement for the future. I now approach challenges with clear goals and a positive mindset, understanding that my current stage is exactly where I’m meant to be. Julie’s coaching has been transformative, and I recommend embracing the process fully to discover your hidden strengths and possibilities. I’m immensely grateful for her support and wisdom.


Entrepreneur and Mum to 2 kids, Newcastle

I was stuck in a rut both personally and professionally. From my initial call to our coaching sessions, I felt that Julie really listened, understood and got me. With Julie’s help, I gained clarity, managed to work through some big issues that had been blocking me for many years and also realised where my passion lay. Other people have noticed that I’m more enthusiastic about the change of direction in my business. I discovered that I’m strong enough to move forward in my goals and in life. I always walked away from my sessions with Julie feeling lighter and as a result I feel more confident, calm and have learnt to be gentler on myself and not so critical.


Small Business Owner/Personal Assistant, Sydney

I’m glad I signed up with The Life Stylist Coaching Group – the conversations were gentle, kind, revealing and purposeful. I would leave high spirited and reassured. Each session brought with it a set of tools to learn, they were easy to follow, kept me on track, relevant and adaptable. I have learnt to accept the turbulence in my life as blessings, I am walking towards my goals not away from them. This has been my biggest achievement, learning to let go and have faith in my own abilities. I would like to thank you sincerely for all your support and guidance, it’s hard sometimes to put into words how much you have helped me find my peace. I know that when I need you I can call you and that in itself gives me some much comfort. I will continue to use the tools you have given me to navigate through this year. Thank you Julie

Early Childhood Educator and Mum to 3 kids, Adelaide

WOW!! I really don’t know if words can express the value I received, from my experience of having Julie as a life coach. Upon stumbling across her website there was something that I just knew I had to make the call to book an appointment, even though I have never had coaching before or really understood what it could do for me. Julie creates a beautiful space where one can instantly feel comfortable, and any barriers come down. She takes you on a journey where you can really explore all areas of your life & find out what is really important to you. She guides you through the process of setting goals & taking action & from this you discover more about yourself & the decisions you make. She helps identify your PURPOSE, your WHY! As someone who decided to do some coaching without knowing what to expect, with guidance from Julie, I have come away with so many valuable tools to help me make a significant difference to my life & understand how I view myself. Julie is authentic, compassionate, honest & an absolute gem. Her care & attention to detail is overwhelming. Don’t think about it, I recommend you to just take the plunge, work with Julie & enjoy the journey of discovering your best self.

Photography Business Owner and Mum to 2 kids, Dee Why

The moment I met Julie, I felt so comfortable. Julie went way beyond her duty and really listened to what I had to say, she was always so committed to getting to the bottom of what concerned me. My greatest breakthrough is that I am thinking differently, and I am confident with myself. I now understand my values in life, and I love having more time for myself (without feeling guilty). I feel the website sends out a message to all women that you can get help and that you aren’t the only one going through a busy life, it gives off a peaceful vibe and steers you into the right direction. After every session I felt so good, I really would like to thank Julie for all her help, I am now a lot calmer, I think differently, I feel more relaxed and I feel a lot more confident in myself. Thank you again Julie.

Real Estate Business Owner/Director and Mum to 2 kids, Erskine Park

I was juggling too many balls in my life with work, children, young adults and husband and needed someone to hear me, hear my concerns and guide me to a being a better Me, to not drown in the worries and volume of work and things to do….Julie is professional and very structured in her approach. I cannot recommend Julie more highly. Every Mum should have a “Julie” in their lives to filter the good and bad and focus on what matters.

Small Business Owner and mum to 3 kids, Castlecrag

Small Group Presentation and Worksheet Exercises

Julie helped on our Yoga by the Sea Winter Wellness Retreat at Sydney’s Q Station in 2021. Julie has a way of bringing out the best in people, sowing inspirational seeds and creating magical exercises and activities that connect us with ourselves and what makes us happy. She is warm and professional, with a natural talent for putting people at ease. Thankfully she went above and beyond to help the retreat and me (the host) kickstart a successful wellness weekend.


Founder Yoga by the Sea

Small Group Workshop

“I wish we could have experienced your session for a little longer. It really did make a difference to me today. Thank you!”

“Beautifully tailored to the group and time available. Some 9’s because we only had time for brief meditations and take-aways. Thank you Julie!”

“Loved the calm and practical presentation.”

“Very enjoyable and insighful. Thank you!”

96% of participants loved the overall wellness content.

96% of participants loved the presentation style.

94% of participants loved the mindfulness meditations.

92% of participants loved the simple practical takeaways.

98% of participants said it positively made a difference to them today.

Roseville Public School - Teacher Wellness Workshop

What you did for me is still very much alive in my mind and in my heart. With your help I achieved a feeling of accomplishment, reached a level of self-satisfaction and grew to understand myself in ways that certainly weren’t there when we first started. Despite my bucking against the process at times, you stuck by me. In that process you showed me how committed you are to someone else’s growth and you taught me a lesson in trust. I actually really miss our Friday sessions with one another. Meeting with you always left me feeling grounded, clear and strong. You are gifted as a life coach – possessing the gift of being able to listen – truly listen to someone – and sift through what’s really being said. You provided clarity for me when I could only see a confused mess. And you possess and provide the gift of attention – staying focused and enabling someone else to discover their own path. Thank you for helping me grow in three areas of my life. Thank you even more for sticking by me throughout the process. I look forward to working with one another again in the future.
Kim - 1st time working together

Small Business Owner and Mum to 1 child, Rose Bay

I am forever grateful for the assistance, support and friendship you have extended to me over the past few years as my coach. I can honestly say that my life functions better when you are in it than when you are not. Selfishly, I couldn’t wait for our sessions each week, because I knew that during our meetings with one another, I would arrive at a place of truth and honesty – I would be allowed to just be, and be given the gift of being connected with another, in an unconditional way, as well as to myself. You are both skilled in your ability as a coach and blessed in your ability to take people to another level. You were always flexible enough to allow me to go here I needed to go, and yet structured enough to keep me moving forward rather than circling around in the mess of my ‘stories’. Your ability to listen and truly hear – particularly what is not being said – was at times frightening. You were often more clear about who I was than I was. I thank you for providing me with a place to be honest. I now have a frame of reference for what a truly supportive relationship can and should be like. Thank you for your time, your wisdom, your clarity, your support, your commitment, your patience…your love.
Kim - 3rd time working together

Small Business Owner and Mum to 1 child, Rose Bay

As the head of training in our organisation, I took my time in selecting a life coach. I choose Julie as I had heard she would be tough! I wanted to work with someone who would be committed to seeing long lasting change take place – and I got it. Julie has a calm, centred presence that belies her strength as a coach. She was able to walk the tight rope between nurture and challenge thereby creating a safe and trusting place in which I could explore new ways of being. Julie creates an informal, comfortable environment in which she then asks you questions to make you think – she’ll wait patiently while you figure out the answer but will never let you off the hook. I remember a line of questioning in one session that had me delve into some old beliefs that were holding me back. I had my heels dug in resisting, but gently and persistently she brought me to a new level of awareness. My overriding memory of our coaching program however is her unwavering belief in my potential – I had the sense that she just knew I could get there, and she was enjoying the journey with me. To me, Julie is an old soul – she is intuitive and wise and comfortable in her own skin. I think some of it has rubbed off on me. I look forward to another series!

Global Head of Training, Surry Hills

Julie is thoroughly dedicated to having you succeed. To me, this is the corner stone of successful life coaching…having someone believe in you and give you the strength to believe in yourself. The coaching sessions entirely changed the way I now look at the possibilities open to me. The nature of coaching is to take you outside of your comfort zone, which can be very challenging. However, Julie helps you through this process with an uncanny sense of intuition, and senses when you haven’t quite reached the ‘core’ of the issue, and gently but insistently nudges you until you finally ‘get’ it. With your help I grew to understand myself in ways that certainly weren’t there before.
Kerry - 1st time working together

Accounts Business Owner and Mum to 2 kids, Elizabeth Bay

This was my third time working with Julie – but this life coaching process was different for me, because it involved another person…my husband. He had never done anything like this before. This put me in a strange position, of knowing the process and what was expected of me, but not wanting to jump in and rob him of the opportunity of discovering his own way. Julie worked with the imbalance (between our levels of life coaching experience) and managed the situation very diplomatically. I was able to marvel once again at Julie’s life coaching skills as she expertly coaxed us to discover what within us was holding us back. A process which we found particularly cathartic. Throughout the process Julie was incredibly supportive and encouraging, allowing us to see qualities in ourselves we hadn’t acknowledged, and giving us the strength and belief in ourselves to persevere with our goal. We now have a much greater awareness of how we behave as individuals and a couple and hence know the power of putting energy into what we want to achieve.
Kerry - 3rd time working together

Accounts Business Owner and Mum to 2 kids, Elizabeth Bay

Life before taking on a coach was stressful, dishonest, frustrated and generally numb. Now after having a coach my life is very different. I am more aware of not being too hard on myself or judging myself too harshly. I am more honest with myself and I am taking better care of myself. But the biggest impact coaching has had on me is that I can now actually feel and recognise what its like to be free to be me…to realise how uplifting and how much ‘lighter’ it makes me feel. It has taught me to prioritise what’s important, follow through on it and stop wasting time on unimportant stuff. Thank you thank you thank you for helping me to be kinder to myself. As a coach I found Julie completely unique and intriguing. She was caring and compassionate and an excellent listener, she was able to take in my continuous chatter and sort out the real truths. She was firm when I fell behind on my actions, and full of sincere praise when I completed them. Throughout the program I felt completely supported by her and trusted in knowing she was totally committed to helping me achieve my goals. In writing down my actions each week, it gave me much needed accountability and a great sense of achievement completing them. In listing my insights each week, I now use them as a reference every time I need a gentle nudge to stay on track. So, thank you Julie…you did it, we did it and I did it!

Events Manager, Bellevue Hill

I felt my life was out of control most of the time, had too many obligations, was very critical of myself, and I generally put myself last therefore I knew things needed to change. Thanks to Julie I was able to get my life back again. I now react calmly when things don’t go to plan, I have gained a huge amount of self confidence and I have learnt to trust myself. For the first time in my life I had someone who asked me questions about what I wanted, instead of being told what I should do. I loved the way Julie always brought lightness into the sessions. I now see the importance of putting myself first and setting time aside for me when I know I need it. When I am happier, everybody else around me benefits also. Julie always appeared to see what was holding me back well before I ever saw it which was very reassuring. I loved our weekly sessions because I knew that your positive energy would always rub off onto me. In summing up my coaching sessions – I have my life back – I have control over my happiness – and I love the ability to be able to celebrate my achievements!!! Julie…thank-you for being you!!!

Senior IT Consultant, Lane Cove

I didn’t know how to break the ‘rut’ that I was feeling, so I thought that I would give life coaching a try, even though I knew very little about it. My first session with Julie was challenging while also very refreshing as I had someone sitting across from me with only my agenda in mind. I knew then it was exactly what I needed and wanted to do. The biggest benefit I received from having Julie as my coach was that she kept me 100% accountable to doing what I said I was going to do each week. And this for me was a huge step as I was very good at procrastinating. I knew that I was confident in the belief of myself but not confident in taking new actions. There was never a time when Julie did not challenge me to look at what was getting in the way, and I really appreciate her doing this, even though it was confronting at times. Julie definitely had the right mixture of pushing me as well as encouraging me to keep taking action when things got too hard. In the past I would have given up, but this time I had someone else committed to the results I wanted. The last 3 months for me have been scary, challenging, exciting, and at times totally overwhelming, in the sense of feeling incredibly fulfilled and happy. If ever you feel like being in a ‘rut’ and don’t know how to get out of it, I would absolutely recommend you meet with Julie to identify what is possible for you. Not only will your whole world open up opportunities, you will also be supported by a totally committed person who’s only goal is to get the results you want in your life.

Solicitor, Neutral Bay

The one thing that stands out for me in my coaching was that Julie allowed me to see that my goals were possible. I had always wanted to achieve something different in the area of career, health and finances but I never really knew what I wanted. Clarifying the goals and seeing them as being possible was the best opportunity I had ever been given. Before taking on coaching I had always done what I was told which was what I was used to. Since having a coach in my life, I have developed the confidence to do what I would like to do. Julie always gently questioned what I wanted and most of the time I found it hard to answer those questions, because I wasn’t used to questions. Julie always persevered and had an amazing skill of patience. She has a great ability to be able to get into your world and be flexible with what you need. She always kept me accountable, was enthusiastic and supportive while being very tough on me to ensure I got to my goals. She always said she would do whatever it took to get the results I wanted. She undoubtedly had the perfect combination of skills for a super life coach!

Business Accountant, Northern Beaches

Julie helped me to set 3 primary goals including losing weight and improving my fitness. I honestly thought I would not achieve them, yet deep down I hoped that I would, as they were things I had always wanted for my life. Two were things I had enjoyed some success in, in the past, but it had never lasted. One was something I had always dreamt of achieving, never having the confidence in myself to realise that dream. To my amazement and excitement, I had achieved all 3 of my goals by the end of our time together. When I set the goals I thought how different my life would be if I actually achieved them, how much happier I would be. It is such a dream come true! Without the coaching, I know I would have not changed my habits and improved my lifestyle to this degree. It is now four months since I achieved my goals and they have become part of my life. There is no turning back. I would encourage anyone to enlist Julie’s support. Whether it be for yourself, your staff, your business or your clients, coaching is the best investment anyone could ever make.

Health Retreat Assistant Manager, Wallacia

From the very first session with Julie I felt in a completely safe and positive forum and was immediately inspired by Julie’s energy, focus and belief in me. Throughout the coaching program Julie gave me unquestioning support for the journey I was on and helped me to plan each step towards my goals, gaining many insights along the way. She created an environment full of trust and friendship where I felt comfortable expressing my deepest thoughts, fears and feelings. It was this environment that gave me the confidence to move my life forward and develop a belief in myself that became the backbone to realising my goals. There is no doubt in my mind that Julie’s exceptional coaching ability, her 100% commitment to the process and her continual encouragement that gave me the motivation to stay on the path to creating what I wanted.

Personal Assistant, Sutherland

Julie’s skills as a life coach, went far beyond my initial expectations. I wanted a person with enormous amounts of: integrity, insight, patience, determination and compassion. Julie has an innate ability to listen, reflect, focus and believe in her clients, and instils an unwavering confidence and positivity in everything she says and does. It has been an immense privilege to have Julie in my life. Julie has put my feet on the pedals and my hands on the handlebars! I would highly recommend life coaching with Julie to anyone who seeks a fun and more fulfilling life.

Full Time Mum to 2 kids, Rozelle

My coaching experience with Julie has been extremely valuable both personally and professionally. She was genuinely generous, sensitive and encouraging whilst very challenging and always 100% committed to my goals. She constantly brought a new light on my issues and goals, encouraging me to see things differently and at another level. Thanks to Julie, I have been able to bring peace back into my life and successfully launch my new business. Julie is such a great, powerful and very inspiring coach.

Financial Business Coach and Mum to 1 child, Rose Bay

Having recently completed a life coaching series with Julie, I can honestly say I am still buzzing from the experience. Julie’s energy and enthusiasm is second to none and I have never met a more inspiring person. Julie’s genuine, down to earth friendly nature made me feel at ease with her from the very beginning. She creates a trusting, supportive environment which enables you to share your most intimate and personal thoughts with her. Knowing Julie was behind me 100% really spurred me on towards reaching my goals. She took any setbacks we had in stride and her confidence in me was unfaltering. Julie consistently stretched and challenged me and taught me how to be more open to discovering new things about myself. She acknowledged each of my achievements, small or big, and reiterated the importance of celebrating each achievement as a personal victory. I am now more positive and motivated about all aspects of my life and I truly feel I can achieve whatever I set my mind to. I would like to thank Julie for showing me the pathway to success and I would highly recommend her as a truly inspiring facilitator to a most rewarding journey.

Student, Narrabeen

My sessions with Julie have been a journey of self-exploration and personal growth. I sought her help because I felt stuck in my life – I was existing rather than living. With Julie’s help, support and honest feedback I overcame my ‘personal roadblocks’ and achieved more in three months than I would have achieved in a whole year on my own. Julie helped me leave a stage of confusion and frustration to find clarity and meaning in my life. My energy levels kept rising with every achievement along the way and my batteries are now recharged. The door has opened to an exciting future and a purposeful life.

Bookkeeper, Roseville

The 12 session coaching series was one of the most powerful experiences I have ever had. The journey was awesome, the process incredible and the results life changing. Julie’s perception, commitment and enthusiasm made each session a ‘wow’ experience. I looked forward to each session and was challenged and inspired to do things differently. Not only do I know where I want to be – I now know how to get there. Best wishes Julie.

Allied Health PA and Mum to 2 kids, Little Bay

It is with great pleasure that I recommend Julie in her capacity as a Life Coach. As I began my association with Julie with very little knowledge of the coaching process, I truly appreciated her relaxed, welcoming manner. In tandem with this, Julie is at all times professional, ensuring that all relevant processes are understood by her client, that all steps towards realisation of goals receive appropriate attention, and offering sincere encouragement and support at every stage. Julie’s consistent level of professionalism extends to every detail of preparation of an individual’s program, its execution and satisfying conclusion. At all times Julie carries out her role with genuine interest, perception and warmth.

Accounts Manager and Mum to 2 kids, Randwick

I also offer Mindset Coaching to men who are looking for clarity and direction in their life.

I initially met Julie through a friend who highly recommended her to me as my life coach. I had heard that Julie mentored a number of coaches and was excellent at her role in both coach and mentor. Therefore I decided to commit to a 12 week series straight away. The biggest benefit for me about life coaching is that it brings real long term changes. I had attended a number of weekend self-development courses over the last couple of years which were all great while I was there, however 3-4 weeks down the track I had found myself to be back in my old habits living the life I had before attending the courses. Every session with Julie was an insightful journey into what was stopping me from being happy. What I really loved about the process was that the insights were always turned into actions for the coming week. At the time I was confronted with very different and difficult questions and I now appreciate Julie’s commitment to pursuing these questions even though she knew I was being pushed way past my comfort zone. Life coaching for me was the most positive, difficult and rewarding experience I have ever undertaken. I would highly recommend you to experience coaching with Julie and the possibilities it offers. I can guarantee that you will not be disappointed.

Small Business Owner, Sydney City

My experience with life coaching was quite different from what I expected. I thought I would get instructions, tasks, reports to complete, timetables to adhere to. Instead I received inspiration and support. Julie guided and encouraged me to generate new options and choices, facilitated the defining and refining of my goals. I have learned new skills and have new tools with which to tackle the challenges that any normal life generates these days. I can now see that pretty much anything I want, I can now achieve in a structured, methodical way, no longer (as in the past) falling victim to old habits which often delayed or blocked my aspirations. I found Julie both professional and personally delightful, very easy to communicate with and extremely supportive and non-judgmental. The journey was not always easy, but always rewarding. Thank you Julie.

Telecommunications Manager, Balmain

I am much more clear about my physical, emotional and mental goals. I now have techniques at my disposal to clear my head and focus on what is important to me. I can feel the fear, but do things anyway. Authentic and honest conversations are now much easier.

Dog Walker and Dad to 2 children, Seaforth